It is said, man is a social animal and it's a fact as most of the actions that we take are either influenced or governed by the society. Society plays an important role while taking any decision. There is both good and bad side to this, as sometimes, society helps us to take right decision, helping us in one way or another and at max helps us to unlock our true potential. On the contrary, sometimes it kills "the real us" forcing us to live a shadow life which is just a reflection of the society. We need to break free from this practice and try to be real as we are gifted with a brain which is very powerful and can take individual decision with required calculation allowing us to take in charge of our actions and live a life meant and created by our own. Don't forget, the rules of a society are created by people like us.

Are We Real or just living a shadow life influenced by the society. Clear up the settled dust and see the real you who is courageous, determined and can blast the winds of change (doing the undone).

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