Sunday, January 24, 2016

Is Prince Narula Really A Deserving Winner of Bigg Boss 9?

Bigg Boss seasons have always been in controversies and this season was most controversial where deserving candidates were thrown out of BB house in sudden evictions for no obvious reasons. We need to have a place where we can see live votings for our contestants and know that BB is not making any backstage adjustments and manipulations. We have been hearing the manipulative behaviours of BB before from Imam A Siddique saying that he knows the reality behind the reality shows and how they are won, to prince talking about his contract with Colors and his future aspirations. Though it's a reality show but I don't see reality anywhere other than a mere money making machine where people strive hard to earn some good sponsors and voting SMS charges which viewers send. Here all the moral values including spiritual values are murdered and served in an entertainment plate as a platter. Relations and promises are made to be broken and to take undue advantage as and when required. Does Prince Narula really deserve to be a winner though he has played his selfish game with pure winning intentions. It's not that he is not my favorite contestant but I fail to understand how can he be so sure throughout that he would win the show. There were triggers throughout the show which promoted Prince Narula when he was being a sidekick. He does not carry a character to be a winner for sure. On the other side, Rishabh Sinha was one man show who entertained and played solo and did not thrive under the shadow of any relationship. What is relationship for Prince, it keeps changing as per the needs of the show, it was sometimes for love and sometime brother and sister and we never saw him playing a solo game. The name and fame do not support his personality. On the other side, Rishabh should have been a more deserving winner and should have given an inspiration to the society what reality is all about and how far one can go solo with his determination and patience.

Bigg Boss9 winner

How To Handle A Woman

It is said that Women are God's finest creations with the power to make or break the universe. It takes a MAN to handle a woman and the best and trickiest part is that out of billion choices, a man only has one shot to make a woman happy with the choice she loves. Most men fail most of the times but when they pass, rewards are for lifetime filled with success, love and care. On the contrary, one should never mess with a pissed off woman as there are chances of getting blasted. Women are the most beautiful and sensitive creation of God and man should learn the trick before welcoming woman in his wife for it to be spent wisely and not get wasted. It might take ages to learn the trick or if you are smart enough you never know when you have learnt it. Be cool/calm/egoless/gentle and whatever good you can think of with the woman of your love.

Do not mess with a pissed off woman, You’ll end up getting exploded.

Understand a Woman

Friday, January 22, 2016

Teen Love

While enjoying to romantic songs and movies, people start to believe in love at first sight. Teenagers are more likely to get fall in this trap, as they misinterpret the Infatuation to Real Love. They fail to understand that their mind is playing a trick on them and  they just get carried away. The life of Teens Love is very short because it is not a true love. For some teens love is like a new toy which is too much fascinating to start with but gets boring as time passes. When it comes and goes, has no count.

Teen Love is like hangover, no one knows when it started and when it got over.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Make Efforts To Find Your True Love.

All religions teach love and harmony and it's said that marriages are made in heaven and we come in pairs. We need to really work hard to fulfill our destiny to find that second half but some lazy ones just surrender before destiny. Once we find that true love we bind them in realms of life and death and then never get separated even in heaven. It's a little game of God that every human has to play in order to find his/her true love and it's really interesting to those who enjoy this game.

Valentines Day

Finding true love is hard but once you find it, stays with you forever, even if the mortal soul fails the test of time the immortal memories stays with you FOREVER......

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Love is the strongest feeling that is beyond explanation. Though the feeling of love is common in each and every person but the journey of love is different for every person. Not everyone is lucky enough to find love that is true enough. When you find one, make sure you respect it with all your heart to have a wonderful love life.


Being alone never meant I didn't know about love. In fact, I was knowledgeable enough to wait for you to come and knock the doors of my Heart.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It’s Over! Move on.

We have heard that life is a show and it must go on no matter what. How does the show ends totally depends on us. We as humans are very social and easily get attracted to other people and when they leave, many of us break and destroy the show. They don't realize the show is still on and its upto us to make it a hit. We should be optimist in these situations and learn to take these experiences in a positive way in the form of learning. These experiences shape our lives and power us to kick the past and rebuilt the future. The curtain of one's life should come down with audiences saying, he rocked the show and that's it, THE MOTIVE OF LIFE ACHIEVED.


It’s Over! Move on.

People hop in and out of our lives, but we should not grieve as they are merely characters of the show called LIFE. They leave behind experiences powering us to kick the past and shape the future.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Life is just like Sleet.

Life is full of surprises and no one knows what's there in shelf for us to a distant future called tomorrow. So, celebrate the present to the fullest if you want to remember your past as beautiful and give way for the future to come and become a GIFT to our present. Enjoy the joys with pleasure and face the odds with courage as this is life all about.

"Life is just like Sleet. The time it is present with us, it appears extremely wonderful. However,it is certain it has to go."

snow flakes

Thursday, January 14, 2016

God Decided Our Meeting.

We humans are smart with brains but yes it's God who gave the heart 'the final control' and a mind of its own who hears no one. It is said that we come in pairs and yes I believe that saying, as though our meeting was accidental but there was a moment where the rhythm of the hearts synched and they immediately decided to have each other for the rest of the lives and our bodies followed the orders of the heart and yes the mind was slave too.


"God Decided Our Meeting.
The moment i saw you, I was so enraptured  by your good looks, charm and humour, I knew instantly we would get married and spend the rest of our lives together."

Wear Your Anger! Detoxify Your Soul.

Anger is not always bad for health, consider a situation where you are not able to show your anger, this condition is treated as more harmful than the one where you could have showed your anger sometimes. Anger is bad but the anger stored within toxify your soul and gives you diseases.  Let the anger comes out in the form of sweat or steam, wear it proudly sometimes as your soul needs to be detoxified to make you feel light and fresh, too much of controlled anger spoils your daily life and relations, so you can lock yourself in a room and let it come out.

Control Anger

Wear your ANGER! Detoxify your Soul
Sometimes you can treat your Anger as a beautiful drug when taken under controlled measures, as it helps you to unload your frustration and feel light. 
So, Wear Your Anger Proudly 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Even the God dance on the divine music of Hearts.

Love means when you gaze into each other's eyes for hours and still feel like minutes.

Love means smiling for no reason and feeling secure when you’re all wrapped up in each other's arms.

Love is a wonderful feeling that brings two hearts together and makes one.

Love is the divine music of heart and even God dance on this music.


"Even the God dance on the divine music of Hearts."